So I decided to take up a hobby while watching the nightly news. No it wasn't knitting. Actually it was inspired by the nightly news. Ever catch yourself yelling back at the TV? Well, that is what I was doing until I decided to channel my frustration into making political drawings and cartoons. That gave me much release from the day to day nonsense coming across our airwaves especially in regards to our government and politics. Oh no. There I said that conversation killer - "politics." It's possibly a killer as well in the world of art, unless you are really good and get published.. My drawings are not kick butt good but they represent a darn good effort at trying to communicate. They are just my opinions of course, but I have offered, in the form of a compilation of more than 40 drawings, something to stimulate conversation. I hope. The premise of the book is that we are bullied into giving up our freedom of speech when it comes to discussing issues. Without commonsense discussion, reverberations by the media echo chamber is the script in our heads. And that noise has replaced our own thinking and now most of us are in that position where we do not dare to have open free flowing discussion.. The book, Graphic Tactics, can be ordered online through . Maybe we can talk too. I would love that and I promise I will listen.